Monday, April 28, 2008

Cleavage Invasion at La Casa Blue!

Chander's Birthday at La Casa Blue Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue

Why do we gay guys attract so much cleavage? So I find myself at La Casa Blue in Highland Park this weekend for my pal Chandler's birthday party. The locals get an eyeful of cleavage, debauchery and homo erotic PDA. The whole evening is super-fun!

Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue

The lovely ladies of LuckyLegendary serenade Chandler with their very own song: "Love on the Internet." They also do a song about a guy with a small penis that is freaking hilarious. I'll make sure to have my camera ready next time so I can catch that!

Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue

Also in town is Chandler's lovely sister who is not even old enough to drink, so I'm wondering how familiar she is with all this sort of rowdiness.

Click here to see all 43 rowdy pictures from the party.

Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue

Tripp Roberts, aka DJ Raw-burt of BLENDER spins mash-ups all night long. (I heart mash-ups!) And Andrew Burnette, whom I last saw perform at The Joint, sings and wields a riding crop.

Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue

The somewhat off-the-beaten-path locale doesn't keep anyone away. Here I am with Rachelle and Dahni, and there's Trevor with his friend Aram, both of whom you may recall from my trip to the Gay Zine & Comic Convention.

Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue Chandler's Birthday at La Casa Blue

Here's a parting glance of a bunch of us having an awesome time. Click here to see all 43 rowdy pictures from the party. (Seriously, there are some awesomely crazy pictures in there you must see.)

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