Monday, May 21, 2007

Sketches for my "Originating Circle" Display

Sketches for "Originating Circle" display

I'm in a fun course called Wisdom Unlimited, and one of the first projects is to create a visual display of everyone with whom we interact on a regular (weekly to monthly) basis. (This includes people we interact with only via email or on the phone, and also everyone from our close friends to our dry cleaner.)

It's not an illustration project and everyone else used photographs, but I wanted to draw people, and I'm finding I got a lot out of doing so. For one thing, spending the time to draw them, is sort of a metaphor for the fact that having any single person in your life involves some sort of investment in time or mental energy.

What I also became aware of is that there are people I consider close friends that I couldn't include because I don't interact with them on even a regular monthly basis! Some may say that that's just how life goes; however, what it made me realize is that there are only a finite amount of people we will know and interact with in our lifetime, and we really do have a choice in determining what that looks like.

Anyway, as I said, this is a work in progress, so I'm adding people as I go. For example there only about 5 or 6 people depicted with whom I interact only online, and I need to complete that section of it. (The total number of people to be included based on the criteria of the assignment is 50 to 100.)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Planet Unicorn & Flirting with Westboro Baptists

  • 8 Year-Old gay boy creates planet of unicorns! ...uh ...really there's not much I can say to describe this. Just watch.
  • This Australian show has by far the funniest response by far to the Westboro right-wing nutjobs:

  • Wednesday, May 09, 2007

    Vagina Power: "Dick Will Make You Slap Someone!"

    Atlanta Public Access TV9 superstar Alexyss K. Tylor discusses Vagina Power and Penis Power with her mother. Followed by an absolutely brilliant re-dub parody cartoon.

    One of my favorite parts is the chemistry she and her mom have. If they combined Howard Stern, Oprah and Tom Leykis into one person, it would not be as brilliant as Alexyss K. Taylor. I don't know anything about her, but keep being sent her videos which must be shared with the world!

    Friday, May 04, 2007

    SKETCHES: Funk Vampire and Red Boots Parasol

    Red Boots ane Parasol

    Funk Vampire