Friday, January 12, 2007

ART: "Glen Hanson" - Sketch Painting 1/12/2007

Glen Hanson once urged me to spend a little less time on the internet and a little more time creating art. So the other day when my internet was out I figured it would be appropriate to do a quick sketch painting of him. Ironically, here I am again on the internet, posting it!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Arbiters: CD Cover Art by Aman

The Arbiters - CD Cover (Front)

I kept hearing The Arbiters on KCRW and jumped at the chance when I heard they were looking for an illustrator to do a CD cover for them.

Thomas Golubic's concept was to have the members depicted as super-heroes, with a front and back cover that worked together. The Arbiters, as shown on the cover, are Jez, Thomas & Jesse.

Here are the front and back covers side-by-side:

The Arbiters - CD Cover (Front/Back)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Sketch Painting 2007.01.04

Sketch Painting 2007.01.05

Hmmm... turned out a bit darker than I planned... but I just went with it. Enjoyed the softer sketchy style, which contrasted the subject matter. I actually did this back in October right after the last one and then let it collect dust for a while before I give it some tweaks and posted it.