Comic-Con 2008: "Horny-making!"
Rather than trying to convey the extreme sensory overload that is Comic-Con International, I give you the first picture I took: saying hello to Superboy and Supergirl. And the last one: saying good-bye to DC Comics' Bob Schreck, one of my most favorite people. For everything in-between: the parties, the costumes, the fun, visit my photostream on Flickr.
Here are just a few highlights I can't resist sharing with you:
My friend Scotty returns this year, coins the catch-phrase, "Comic-Con is so horny-making!" and pops-up in the most unexpected places, barely staying out of trouble.
Speaking of "horny-making," Jenny (and Michelle seen in the background) attracted an unrelenting stream of fanboys hungry for cleavage and mid-riff. (Readers of this blog are already familiar with their many talents.) Also sporting mid-riff, Rocket Boy must get his name from the rocket he's hiding in his shorts!
Last but certainly not least, congratulations to new parents Kelly-Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction who have brought baby Henry Leo to his very first Comic-Con! So cute. :)